Tuesday, September 24

Eva and Petras Feast!

So Petra and I decided to do a spot of cooking the other day. We had asparagus for starters and prawny pasta for mains and it was seriously good. Petras got skills in the kitchen! The whole meal was incredibly easy, quick and straightforward to do with preparing the prawns being the only chore.

Minty Asparagus
So the asparagus is dead easy to cook. We broke off the bottom of the stalks and gave it a rinse. Boiled it for about two minutes, sat it in cold water for 5 minutes and then put it back on a really hot pan with a dash of oil. We then sprinkled on the zest and juice of a lemon, a handful of chopped fresh mint and a pinch of chilli flakes. It needs about two minutes on the pan and thats it - ready to go!

Prawns, Rocket and Sundried Tomato Pasta
This has been one of my favourite meals for years. Its really easy, quick and always tastes good. And this round Petra made it. I don't this picture quite does it justice though. Check out this recipe here.

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